Can't explain much about this..I need answers. Had a bust up about dining with his ex. He thinks im jealous of having dinner with his ex alone as he sees me 24/7 and why can't he have a meal out with his ex once in a blue moon? Besides its about to discuss about MT and catch up on things? If you can't stand it , too bad!! Well F* You JT!!
He didnt even give me a chance to explain why im feeling this way, it would be better if he could say oh i am going out for a meal with my ex alone to discuss things NOT say that and being very quiet about the outing. Making me think he has having affair.
The thing about the fall down on relationships is less communication. Can't believe i even mention you can bloody hell go out with other girls or prostitute i don't care , just let me know some information what will you be doing with them. Why so secretive and quiet about it!!

Pissed me off when he said that. So I get it, I need to let you emphasize the relationship with you ex for the sake of MT. But does it have to be the extend of having a meal out alone just the two? Hmmmmmm.
I told him i need to be prioritise too. It's not all about your daugther and your ex. If its so important maybe you should go marry your ex! I just don't understand it sometimes. I get fed up, sure i trust JT but the way he put it sounds as i am not important.  I wonder how the ex's husband tolerates this relationship. I guess he has a child with the ex so he puts all his devotion on to the baby.

Me , i don't have anything except I can focus more on my career , my friends and see how much longer I can put up with this relationship. I thought it would be ok at first. But things just been rough and self esteem is down so maybe a hint of jealously may initiate the bust up. I dunno.

Anyways JT came and hug me and apologies that he will be more informative about the outing next time. Will see if he does. I do not wish to have to remind him about it. I deserve better treatment don't I? hehhe

Lots of Love,

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